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Director & Writer

Robyn Paris

"Super-talented" - PopSugar

"Zany and witty" - Tubefilter

"Hilarious, utterly brilliant" - 2 Guys, 1 Review


Known for impeccable comedic timing and a keen ear for dialogue, Robyn will bring your film, television series or commercial to life -- punching up the humor in every frame, while adding an empathetic and humane touch to even the least likable characters. Robyn works very well with children..

Home: Welcome


Bring on the funny

Juliette and her "normal" husband Sam
"I'm not a hoarder I swear"
Robyn gets arrested
Chris-R is a kick ass dad
Killing Kyle
JJJ should have played "Mark"
Juliette in her home away from home
Carolyn is alive
This box is state of the art


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